When will the LG KE770 come to America?



So I recently ran into an incident with buying a SLVR L7 unlocked on ebay (big mistake) and am currently in to process of returning it. So I was looking up similar styled alternatives and one that poped up was the LG KE770 Shine Candybar phone. Here is a link http://www.gsmarena.com/lg_ke770_shine-1913.php Unfortunatley I realized that it is not available in the US yet, so can anyone tell me when it will be and for what carrier? It may not come at all, but that would be a shame. Any information would be greatly appriciated.
Um...it is available in the us...just because a phone company hasn't bought its rights and locked it doesn't mean you can't buy it. You can go into any asian cell phone store and ask for it. I'm 100% sure they will have it and for a great price. It will be unlocked and will be able to work with any service provider. Go look at your nearby chinatown. Good luck!