When do girls become "sexually interested"?


New member
Feb 14, 2011
I'm in 8th grade (I'm a guy) and most of us guys are interested in sex and cannot wait to have it or whatever, but whenever you talk about something like this to a girl, they'll get all grossed out. When do girls become interested in boys sexually?
because girls are more mature. they are "sexually interested", but not at a point where you talk about it wheneveer wherever. its a sacred thing for us, and guys abuse the meaning.
lol don't worry once you hit high school you will be hearing alot of ppl had sex and stuff it cause u in a different school than those ppl so they came out from different ppl, you will understand once you in high school
It's not that we're not. It's that girls may not talk about it as openly. They also do not prefer 8th grade boys, because of their immaturity.