What's your favorite memory of Roger Federer?


May 13, 2008
I have a feeling he might be retiring soon, so i was thinking.

If I had to say mine, it would probably be the match with him and Nadal in the Australian Open final in 2009. I thought that had a few memorable moments. Besides being a great match.

Another for me would be from the 2003 Wimbledon final. That's one of the first Grand Slam finals I can remember ever watching, although I didn't really get it. That's when he won his first major against Philippoussis in the final. I say that one cause it's kind of a nostalgic memory.

Fedal matches I'll always remember also. Besides all the Grand Slam finals, I'll also think of the final they played in Rome in 2006. That gives very nostalgic feeling to me for some reason also.

Hopefully even non Fed fans can still have some good memories from Roger. Or at least appreciate him.
Well There are many memories about Roger.

My best memory, (although not quite as significant as others' mentions), It would be from 2008.

I've been fortunate enough to attend the Australian Open a few times, and in 2008, Federer played an epic 5 setter against Janko Tipsarevic. I was on RLA that night and it's a memory I'll never forget. To be honest, I was actually cheering for Tipsarevic a lot lol. I got caught up in the whole underdog feel when it looked like he had a chance. I also think Roger may have been a little sick that night as well.

Like I said though, that of course sort of pales comparison to some of his other moments, but for me, it was just something I'll never forget. It's not every day you get to see Roger Federer live and in person. Only time I ever have anyway. So yeah, that's it for me.

The Wimbledon final from 2008 of course stands out to me as well. Definitely one of my favourite matches I've ever watched.

2008 must have been my favourite year of tennis or something haha.
when he was beaten at AO by nadal and started sobbing like a big baby during the award ceremony. it forever tarnished his legacy as this cool, classy guy and knocked his arrogant butt down a peg or two
Very tough because there are so many. His first Major triumph at Wimbledon 2003 is an obvious pick. He was so young and had been viewed by so many as a guy loaded with talent but who was unable to break through at the Slams so winning must have been so rewarding. The 2009 Australian Open final was another memorable moment because it showed a flawed and very human side to a guy who was regarded as almost a robotic tennis champion who seemed to win at will. For me, it would have to be his win at Wimbledon 2009. He went in as the heavy favorite against a player, in Roddick, who he had a great record against. However, because of the gravity of his chance to break Sampras' Major record and the legends in attendance, it ended up being a much tougher win than most people expected. It was a reminder of just how phenomenal he was, even under huge pressure. That said, he has given us so many signature moments that picking just one is almost impossible.
thanks for this question ... first of all i am big fan of roger federer and i am sure there is no players have same ability like roger.. My favorite match was when he won the Roland Garros grand slam. yes it was very important for him indeed because he won every thing expect it. I cried when he won. I hope he will continue playing couple of years
Nice question, and I agree, I feel that Federer's retirement will be coming in the next year or two (although he said he'll play in the 2016 Olympics... Assuming he can stay in the top ten, I think he'll make it until then!)

I would say, similar to you, is the 2009 AO championship. Obviously it was disappointing, but I feel like seeing the true, raw, emotion from Federer was just something else. Always calm and composed, and to sneak a peak for just one moment, and seeing how much he really loves the sport, and is passionate about it, was a fantastic moment. Similar to Murray last year at Wimbledon. I'm still not a die-hard fan, but it was refreshing to see somebody who fights so hard, emotionally and physically, for the sport.

My truly favorite moment (one where Federer actually won) was probably last year at Wimbledon. It was similar, where we got to see more emotion from Federer, who finally took a Grand Slam after so long without one. It was awesome, seeing the crowd battle between their home court Murray, and their favorite Federer. Also, being 18, it was really his first grand slam final that I was really invested in.

Hopefully he continues to play, and grace the sport with his dominating presence. It would surely be wonderful if he can make a really powerful push at the U.S Open this year. If not, I fear the worst! :(


@Pink Donut
Once again, you've shown yourself to be quite an emotional, and un-moving tennis "fan." Even those who I don't like in the sport, I give credit to. I once didn't like Murray and Nadal, but have since grown to admire their tennis abilities. But then again, I guess I'm just optimistic about others in this world. Sometimes I forget that many, like you, demonstrate a lack of respect, or true knowledge of the sport. I think of you sort of like my nine year old cousin, who creates great hatred or love towards very specific people, rather than the more adult view, which is a mutual respect for those that prove themselves worthy of it.

Tengas un buen noche mi amigo. ;)