Whats with annoying health conscious ppl and their irrationalities?


New member
Feb 13, 2008
So I have this boss who's a complete bimbo. She always makes a comment whenever I eat junk food at work. (Im 4'11 and weight 93 pounds-I know Im petite). I eat fairly healthy with the occasional junk food to treat myself.

So she claims to be this 'healthy person' goes to the gym and has a fancy personal trainer. BUT she smokes. Im thinking 'So you're gonna die of lung cancer someday, but hey at least you'll be skinny?!". Isnt that just irrational of her? Yet she comments on my food choices.

Gah, I also hate how she makes a comment like "Hey with what you eat, you should be as big as a house by now or when you get to my age you're gonna have to watch what you eat". Wth? Why is it any of her business what I eat?

She's always craving food and in our desks where other girls sit, they always have to have conversations about food. Everyone is on some diet. I swear if I hear the word diet one more time...uugghhhh

Cant they see if you deprive yourself of carbs etc that you'll crave and obsess about it? Cant they see that 'diets' arent long term because restrictive dieting sends a signal to the body that there is a food shortage, and the body thinks its survival is threatened. It responds by slowing down its metabolic rate (the speed at which the body burns up energy). This means that body fat loss slows down and it becomes harder to lose weight.

Ahhh why cant these annoying dieters see that?!! Its like we live in ignorance!

Anyone else annoyed at dieters irrational justifications on their food choices?