What's the relationship between light and time ?


New member
Nov 2, 2011
why is it that when you reach the speed of light time can stop, what does the speed of light has to do with time? what's the relationship between them?
there is no such a dimension as time in space. Time was created for us, humans to explain what happens during the day
i think there is no such relation between time and light because in the value of light we find that squre of second is propotional to light.
Time is a naturally occuring thing and time is a dimension. A roller coaster is an example of a 2 dimensional problem (x,t) x the position on the track a t the time when it is located there.

If time were 'made up' by man then why would we say that the two protons collided with the third proton at different times. Humans made up the measure of time (ie seconds hours minutes) but it would be similar to saying distance doesn't exist and we made it up to see how far we were going.