Whats the easiest/quickest way to train A puppy?

Where should you start first with A puppy...This is my first dog And I want to train it myself without having to pay A dog trainer.
1. if it goes to the bathroom in the house stick its nose in it and tell him/her its bad.
2. when it goes outside give it a treat.
3. let it know your the boss but still love on it.
4. give it treats when its good.
5. teach it tricks
1. by pushing its but down and tell him to sit
then give it a treat
&& so on
Crateing... U keep the dog in a semi large crate then when you let it out take it straight out side. Then put it back in the crate...

Dont give it too much water at night
when you take it outside to do its buisness tie a bell to the door and shake it when you go out side. he well atomaticly know soon to ring the bell.
There is no fast way to train a dog.
Anything that promises "fast results" is a scam.

Dogs learn at the same rate as a one year old child. Slowly, but efficiently.

The best place to begin is potty training, you'll need a crate and treats. Keep her in the crate, let her out to play, eat, drink, and pee, then right back in. She'll need to be walked after every nap, after any play time, or consummation of food or water.

While crate training, begin with the basics. Sit, Shake, Lay, Stay, Take it, Leave it. Most dogs can be fully trained at four or five months.
treats.....give treats for good behaviors. kennel when bad. try using pee pee pads in the beginning or you can put the puppy on a toilet schedule. i suggest every 30 mins to begin with. if u leave the puppy at home while at work. put them in a kennel where there is limited space so then they wont poop all over it. they don't like to lay in their own poop. best of luck.
DO NOT PUSH UR DOGS BOTTOM DOWN TO GET THEM TO SIT. You need to tuck their legs in under them to teach them to sit then immediately give a treat. give treats after going pee outside
buy a book on training if purebread, pertaining to your dogs bread. some puppy treats. and alot of patience, i mean ALOT. Or you can beat him lmao, but thats "cruel" i guess
Praise your puppy when it does something good. Don't yell or hit. Most importantly, be consistent. Decide on how you want to train, for example, whenever your puppy chews on something it shouldn't be say no and replace it with a chew toy. No matter how much it doesn't want to listen keep doing it, be very consistant and it will learn fast. There's no quick and easy way to do it, just be a good owner and pay a lot of attention to your dog and it will go fine. Try crate training for when your gone and skip on the puppy pads, just train it to go outside right away. Good Luck!