Whats the best

I play football too and lift weights but I don't use supplements. I've heard from a lot of people that vapor and no-xplode are the best.
well i have been taking muscle milk and creatine monohydrate and they have been working great i lift at least 4 times a week and i have deff seen improvement
creatine, glutamine, and whey protein.

if you want what you get from NO explode, get something else that doesn't have caffine.

don't take any of that lakic or gakic shit or any "anabaloic/hormone boosters" those will fuck you up.

you can also take some fish oil for good cardiovascular health or go with flax seed oil if you have acne. and a good multivitamin is always good along with eating right and a good workout plan
personally, loading on creatine before lifting gives me more reps than taking no-explode plus i find i heal faster
mmmm zma, tastes like shit. i used to take it for sleep. gives you some crazy dreams fora while. it helps to extend yourREM sleep. its also shown to increase weight gains. totally legal
1.Whey protein with creatine before and after your workouts
2. High Protein, low carb diet
3. Beta-alanie Capsules (lactic threshold)
I don't know why everyone is pushing supplements. Protein is fine, but go no further than that. As soon as you stop with taking the special supplements, you will go downhill and any change in your routine will change the activity of your muscles. Eat good healthy food, and work out. If you need to be fit endurance wise and dont care about taking "drugs", then you can steal a friends puffer for asthma if you can get one or use yours and just take a couple hits of it before you perform. It increases the activity of the aveoli in your lungs so you have more O2 and red blood pumping through you.

Sudafed works too to give you energy.
The key to developing lean, thick muscle is proteins and carbohydrates.

My suggestion is make sure your diet is full of carbs, and look for a protein powder thats plentiful in both carbs and protein. Stray away from creatine; try Whey protein.