What's a good title for my book (description below)?


May 24, 2008
It's about a girl named Jane whose parents are taking her to live Colorado from Chicago. She doesn't want to go, so at the last second she rips up her plane ticket and convinces her parents that she was seated somewhere else. She runs out, finds a small job, and secretly lives in the basement of her old apartment (she can't live in the apartment for obvious-ish reasons) until she gains enough money to buy a small studio apartment and works her way into a bigger job to support herself (she's 17 years old so it kind of works, right?). But in her apartment, she finds a dead body in her closet, and overhears her downstairs neighbors are involved with some dirty work in a branch of illegal black marketing. She gets caught, and gets in all sorts of trouble, and has to work her way out of it.

I tend to work better when I know what my title is so I can find a way to work around it, kind of like Minecraft when you build a small 'house' around a person or a creeper or something. So, if you have any ideas, please share! And, I will accept constructive criticism as long as there's no hating. So, if you would like to comment with any adjustments or suggestions on the plot, feel free to do so! But I'm mainly looking for titles, so it'd be great if you guys could help me out with that. Thanks!! :)
Oh, by the way, her dad is actually an abusive, pathologically egotistical (megalomaniac) drunk, and her mother is too afraid of him to defend her anyways, so it's just something that may or may not help. Thanks again!! :)
Something like "Darkest Rebellion", "Darker than Rebellion", "Dark Rebel". Or, here's an idea, you could title the book "Halcyon". The definition of the word "Halcyon" in it's adjective form, is : Denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful. This definition could be reffering to the time where the girl lived with her parents and had a normal life, and it would be a good title considering how drastically her life had changed.
*Fate of a Lost Soul
*Message Written in The Stars
*Lost in Tragedy

Hope I helped :)