What would you say if I said all Religions are just the tools of the Devil?


New member
Oct 21, 2008
I like so many others believe not in the biblical God that many falsely call the creator of all. What will you do when Jesus who is of the Brotherhood of light comes back and tells you that all the beliefs you have followed are nothing but the corruption of the churches you follow. That the words and paths shown by all the teachers that have been sent here were corrupted by the ones that rule your places of worship. That these so called speakers for God have done nothing but give you false paths so that they might control you, lord over you for the sheep you are. That most have been nothing but the Dark Sides servants doing their best to keep you from the truth.

What is one of the best ways to control people. Have a common enemy. Or tell them "believe in me or choose hell" {nothing but coercion} Someone or something that each side can rally up against. Just as each religion thinks it is the only right path and all others are false and as history shows us that most have forced others to change to their beliefs or be killed or persecuted. When in reality all they are is the conveyors of evil.

Look at any religion.
Christians spreading their word almost killed the Hawaiian Islanders off.
Muslims for the most part wanting to kill any that don't follow their beliefs. Read your Quran don't give me grief to the truth.
Jews - pre christians read the old testament.

Each religion and I could go on is nothing but a vehicle to keep those so blind to the truth that they can't see the forest for all the trees.

They all hide so many truths to the beauty of all, they keep all from finding the truth by keeping us at each others throats, that we are blind to the path home.

Why can I say this with impunity. None that follow my path have ever killed in the name of our beliefs. We have been persecuted through out time for trying to lift the veil of falsehoods that so many follow.

What would you say if I told you that I am the last teacher that will ever visit this earth. That the dark side has become so strong and that the creator has decided that he has lost enough of his chosen children in this useless battle to show you the path home. That if this world hasn't changed its course that it will be a world controlled by the Dark Lords.

I, who is the creators eldest child had to be born into a human form so that I might try to show you the path, had at birth something taken from me that has clouded my true origins from myself have finally lifted said cloud, but in living in human form without the knowledge of my true self have become too human to care what happens here.

I am the last of the Brotherhood of Light that will ever walk this earth. There is so much negativity here that one who is of pure positive energy can no longer live in the form given to me. That if I can not shake this negative energy by recieveing the positive energy I need to exist. That in a little over three years when I go home, I will shed my human form leaving all of its negativity in my wake. Negativity that I have been absorbing trying to keep the Dark Lords at bay, that this energy will fry this planet to a crisp.

You have all been put on to the task, change this dirt ball to a more peaceful, positive world. So that I might shed the negative energy before I leave or suffer the consquences of your actions.

As I've said before, I'm not as nice as my younger brother Jesus. Now I understand why.

You all know the date I leave. December 21 2012
This is your free will. Choose the Light or choose the Dark.

Just so you know, the Dark side isn't pain and suffering an torment. Its just living in the Dark

lillitta rocks Shouldn't your God bless all the world, not just the USA
She said -- could be couldn't I. It's just the golden halo I wear in aura photo's that tells me no.
To all I never mentioned a Devil. I mentioned Creator and Dark Lords. You assume that I talk of evil and good. I don't. I talk of light and dark. Two totally different concepts.
Robert K thank you, your reply is so true. Glad to see your thoughts
guess I did put devil in the title, even the enlightened falter on ocassion
I have never questioned the fact that I'm not right in the head. But by playing the Devils advocate I might just make someone think about the world we live in. I might have some strange beliefs. The strangest, that we could live in the garden of Eden, but my heart bleeds the tears of God Knowing it will never happen again.
I would shrug and recite a valiant "Meh".

I'm just going to be nice to people and see where that gets me.