What would the press say if Perry demanded that the white folk needed to


New member
Aug 16, 2008
"stop complaining and fight"? Obama said those very words to african americans

"stop complaining and fight for his reelection"

He didnt say everyone he said african americans

Now what would happen if Perry, Romney, Santorum, Bachmann or any of them had picked out a racial group, and ignored another?

What would the main stream press have to say about it?
What if Cain said the same thing that Obama said? You'd probably praise him for it.
all the usual crap: hes a racist, he must be hitler, hes a kkk dragon or whatever, but dinglebarry will get a pass from the press for HIS blatant racism, because the press are in the tank for him.
Obama is a truth teller. The white man has lied. White folks are jealous of the change Obama has delivered. The white man doesn't deserve a job after all his racism. White folks go to the back of the bus, get used to it honkeys.
There is absolutely no question in my mind that the mainstream media would call that person (Perry or any of the others) a racist.

They obviously have given Obama a pass for making an equally racist comment. Please don't ask me to try to explain why. I have worked for the mainstream media as both a reporter and news anchor (radio) and I have been friends and co-workers with many members of the mainstream media in both print and electronic media.

While many of these are good and decent people, and I think that radio is the least corrupted of the lot, they seem very biased toward liberals and the liberal agenda. Someone needs to knock the media off their self-created pedestal. I'm sorry I'm too old and tired to be the one to do that.
You're lying. He said that to the CBC, who were elected to do their jobs for their constituents. He didn't tell them to fight for his reelection, he told them to stop complaining and start helping him. That's their job. Why do you oppose the president telling congressional leaders to do their jobs?