What would small talk call the things in I Am Legend?

It was a great plot, and a so-so movie.

The book was an awesome story with an awesome plot.

So far, all 3 movies based off of it haven't been able to live up to the book. This has been the closest so far, but still far from it.
Indeed the book was amazing. I haven't even seen the movie. I like my visualization of the book and I know if I see the movie the book will never seem the same. That's just me though, I'm odd like that :p
i think the movie couldve done a better job on explaining things. such as, what the cure was, what the "zompires"were,ect. i think it couldve been better if it started out when all the shit hapened(2009 or w/e) but sped up. but im not a director so i dont know if it would work.
I'll ruin it for you:

Neville, an average blue collar blonde white guy, is a black scientist in the movie. His family dies in a helicopter crash rather than from the virus. He has the dog from the very beginning, rather than finding it later on and showing off his loneliness and emotion like the book does.

The zombies are superhuman. In the book there are 2 kinds: living and living-dead. In the movie, there seems to be only 1 kind: the living. However, unlike the living ones in the book, they don't talk or act like normal people. They act like the dead ones in the book, with limited intelligence. Bullets kill them, unlike the book. Garlic is non-existant, as well as mirrors and crosses, and he never once uses a stake. They also don't know where he lives, contrary to the book where they try to call him out of the house everynight, and pursuade him with naked bitches.

The woman is a normal human, as well as a kid she has with her. They don't lead up to the plot twist of the book. In the book, she was a vampire who was building a slow immunity to sunlight, who then lives with Neville, and after he finds she's a vamp, knocks him out and warns him of the others that will try to capture and kill him. In the book, his house gets raided by living-vampires, and they shoot him in the chest. While in their colony, the woman gives him pills for the pain, and tells him they are going to execute him publically, since he has become to them what they are to him: monsters. She gives him more than the normal dosage though, and tells him it would be the easier way out. He goes to the window, OD's, and as he dies, thinks "I am legend", a legend amongst the new breed of people that will inherit the earth.

In the movie, they abandon all of this. Instead, the zombies follow the girl to his house, rip his house apart, and Neville is forced into his basement lab with the girl. He has the cure for the virus (he never finds it in the book), and gives it to the girl and boy, and has them escape, while he suicide-grenades the oncoming vampire hoard. Alternate ending is that he gives the 1 vampire the cure worked on back to the vampire leader, turns it back into an infected vamp, and they all leave him and the girl and boy all alone. They get in a car and leave the city together.

Some things were accurate, some were just stupid.
i think there some kind of lesser grade of vampires.they still have the intelligence to set traps and attack in groups but they have less abilities such as talking.
the monsters in I am legend are very smart when his dog gets killed the part before when he goes into the trap the monsters did that but i would have to say vamps like in the book
So. . .in the Book.. . .there is no cure at all. . .and he jsut flat out dies like a bitch? and the world ends. . . ?
That was his own trap. He was going crazy.

The world doesn't end. The vampires were creating their own culture. They were exactly like humans in every way, except they craved blood, and were vulnerable to religious relics, garlic, mirrors, and sunlight, all of which they were slowly building immunities towards.

The entire point of the story was that vampires were these mythical beings that you read about, hearing tales or ghost stories of them killing people in the night while you sleep.

To the vampires, Neville has become a mythical creature. In the book, during the days he goes into their homes while they sleep, and puts stakes through all of their hearts, killing them. In their new culture, he is now the mythical creature they tell tales and ghost stories about. And in order to bring peace to their new culture, they must take him and publicly execute him, to make an example of him and help bring about a new order of the world.

His final words of "I am legend" drive deep the point that he has become the enemy, and he will go down in their history as the creature that killed them during the day, just as vampires are to us now.

He never finds a cure, though he does try many times to find one, and studies tons of biology, stealing books and lab equipment from libraries and labs.