what will be the future for the use of computer technology and cars?


May 13, 2008
I am doing an assignment to do with computer technology of the future and have got to a part where I would like to include cars in this. Can anybody help me list a few useful car computer technologys for the future
I'm appreciating the answers, does anybody know of any reliable sources I can find out more about these from?
The next big thing is going to be automatic driving, this system will allow a driver to sit in there car, tell the car were they want to go and the car does the rest.
Currently there are cars out there that can park for you, BMW has been working on the automated lane control system and crash avoidance technology is becoming more readily available.
In the US the very first computer controlled vehicles have been tested, originally for use in the military but like most things they will slowly gain a footing in the civilian world.
he modern computers willprocesss light and rastersize at the speed of light, and cars will be driven with the use of clever kineticc energy.