What was the beneficial mutation that helped Islam and Christianity outpace


New member
Jul 1, 2008
their common ancestor of Judaism?
I think it could have been either proselytization or violence, but maybe there was something else too.
Well I think it's because Christians and Muslims evolved from the dinosaurs while genetics show that Judaic people evolved from the common rat
mutation? Ignoring that word for the moment, neither Islam nor Christianity embraces just one culture of people.
Proselytization. Judaism is tied to a particular group of people and their descendants; the other Abrahamic religions have made it their holy mission to convert the world.
the muslims and christians are like a premature ejaculation...wanting all hell to break loose right here and now on this planet they care less about.

they are not outpacing anybody... they are on a fast track to self destruct.

the Jews have patience. and don't condemn every none believer to an imaginary hell run by the boogy man.