what usually happens to people who drink a lot of beer and smoke a lot of pot?


May 12, 2008
My brother and many of my friends smoke a lot of pot and get drunk every single weekend and some weeknights. They show no sign of slowing down any time soon and think that there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. They also have big plans for the future, such as medical school, dental school, starting small businesses etc. But can any of this really happen with the life style they are living? Are there actually people who live this partying life style and still live up to their goals, or do they all eventually end up under a bridge & homeless at one point?
hahaha i knew someone would mention Charlie Sheen.
These people are also partying on school nights and care more about the booze than their grades.
yes that can happen many sucessful people still live the lives of their younger days when they smoked and drank all the time. but as long as they know that school comes first its fine.
I don't think med school is in thier future at all but i also con't think they'll live under a bridge, lmbo. They'll probably just get Really Fat and end up with a p.o.s job.
sounds like they are going to have a great life and until then they will have a great time