What type of Dragon (personality) Are You?

Orange Dragon

In the war between good and evil, a Orange Dragon tends to walk the fine line of Neutrality.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon walks a fine line between Law and Chaos.
As far as magical tendancies, a Orange Dragon's nature does not lend itself well to the ways of Magic.
During combat situations, the Orange Dragon shows a preference for the rending and slashing of Hand to Hand combat.

Dragon Description:
The Orange Dragon makes it's home within active volcanoes. They are immune to all forms of fire from an early age.

Orange dragons are one of the most powerful of dragons. Orange dragons love to hoard treasure and magic items. They also enjoy soaring high over their domains, where they may survey their entire territory and all that takes place therein.

At birth, an orange dragon's scales are a dull orange, and reach a bright orange once the young adult stage is obtained, at which time they also develop dark black ribbings on both the top and bottom wing surfaces.An orange dragon is a fierce opponent and will rarely, if ever, back down or flee from a fight, unless clearly outnumbered. An orange dragon's breath weapon is a gigantic cone of magma.

This Dragons favorite elements are: Molten Lava and Courage

Thats cool, Im at UT college football fan so, GO ORANGE AND WHITE!!!!!!!!!!
I´m a song dragon.
But I don´t understand anything about music...
I wanted to be a Wind Dragon... sniff sniff... :~(
Tiger Dragon....sounds about right; I am kinda furry.

I am a A Tiger Dragon!

Hey, I took the http://dragonhame.com online Inner Dragon quiz and found out I am a Tiger Dragon on the inside.

In the war between good and evil, Tiger Dragons take the side of the noble and good....
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon is a risk taker and answers to no one....
As far as magical tendancies, a Tiger Dragon's nature does not lend itself well to the ways of Magic....
During combat situations, whether by spells or by claw, your inner dragon will do whatever it takes to get the job done....
Tiger Dragons willingly live in any environment, so long as it is isolated from the influences of man. They have been known to build massive and incredibly complex structures of all shapes, kinds and purposes, though many never build anything. A Tiger Dragon is honest and forgiving with a very long patience. They are slow to anger, but, once enraged, may destroy entire civilizations before cooling down. Should one become exceedingly angry, it will tend to take revenge by completely destroying every aspect of its targets' lives, but never killing them. The Tiger Dragon's mind is its most formidable weapon.'
Tiger Dragons are armored in short, soft, but incredibly strong and resilient fur. They can come in a variety of colors and patterns, including white, black, orange, yellow, gray, and tan, with stripes covering most, little, or none of their bodies. They tend to smile frequently and laugh freely. Tiger Dragons tend to dislike violence, but when enraged can do anything. A Tiger Dragon is very selective when choosing close friends, but is intensely loyal to all it deems worthy of friendship. A Tiger Dragon leads a very quiet and unobtrusive life. A Tiger Dragon's feelings run deep and true. Tiger Dragons mate for life.
This Dragons favorite elements are: Life, Wisdom, and Love.

Warder Dragon

In the war between good and evil, Warder Dragons take the side of the noble and good.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon tends to do things by the book.
As far as magical tendancies, Magical spells come as natural to the Warder Dragon as breathe from it's body.
During combat situations, whether by spells or by claw, your inner dragon will do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Dragon Description:

The warder dragon is a large and bulky dragon, with large strong legs and arms. The size of these mammoth dragons starts from birth at the size of a mature border collie! But don’t be fooled by these big dragons, they aren’t slow, but aren’t fast, and they tend to be more peaceful and talkative than most dragons.

Warder dragons get their names from the fact that they radiate a holy magical aura from their large tattoo like markings that may be anywhere on their bodies, the aura destroys "pure evil" beings, but higher evil ones will just be phased. The warder dragon loves love, and enjoy being in relationships with mates, and they despise weight jokes and anti-self acceptance jokes. They will gladly fight when it comes to defending a homeland or their friends!

This Dragons favorite elements are: Love,Relationships,Food,Peace,Honor

Well, I like food, peace and honor, but I'm afraid I'm not too big on magic (like anyone is?). Love and relationships I'm batting a hefty -1 (maybe -2, because the relationship was THAT BAD) in. I don't have any weight problems (except being UNDERweight), and I can't even bring myself to fight for anything, including homeland or friends. I'm not really "by the book" either. Every time I try to read "the book", I start falling asleep. But anyways, it was a dumb test. I chose Yoda too. Episode 2 fight scenes aside, he's the only one with any real wisdom. He'd just sit and watch them numbskulls beat each other up, and then he'd harmlessly knock over the last one standing, giving one of his trademark laughs, and then picking up his cane and hobbling off into the sunset. Thats the art of fighting without fighting, baby.
and your inner dragon is a ....


In the war between good and evil, Thunder Drakes take the side of the noble and good.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon walks a fine line between Law and Chaos.
As far as magical tendancies, a Thunder Drake's nature does not lend itself well to the ways of Magic.
During combat situations, the Thunder Drake shows a preference for the rending and slashing of Hand to Hand combat.

Dragon Description:
The Thunder Drake has black scales, streaked with bright, almost neon yellow stripes. It is a small species of dragon, but what it lacks in size, it makes up for in speed and ferocity.

Thunder Drakes make their homes on high mountain tops, usually far from any human or mortal settlements (although sometimes they do socialize a bit with wild elves).

The Thunder Drake gains it's name from the speed at which it flies. It has the honor of being the only species of dragon that can actually approach/ surpass the sounds barrier in flight without magical assistance.

This Dragons favorite elements are: Quicksilver, Speed, and Vigor
Opal Dragon

In the war between good and evil, Opal Dragons take the side of the noble and good.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon is a risk taker and answers to no one.
As far as magical tendancies, Your inner dragon has the ability to conquer the world of magic, but it will not be easy.
During combat situations, whether by spells or by claw, your inner dragon will do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Dragon Description:
The Opal Dragon is smaller than most other Dragons but does not allow this to get in it's way. It's speed in the air, on land, and in water make up for the Opal Dragon's smaller size. It's scales shine with a soft silvery glow that flicker with the deep colours of the energetic flashes found within this Dragon's body. The Opal Dragon is secretive and nocturnal in nature. Though this dragon is not fond of being seen in it's natural form, it's curious nature cause it to often shapeshift to look like other Beings and walk the world seeking wisdom.

The Opal Dragon will make it's home anywhere but travels often. This has earned the Opal Dragon it's reputation as a nomadic creature. This Dragon is quick to defend any who are being treated unjustly, regardless of species, though it will always attempt a non-violent solution before resorting to bloodshed. However, if a peacable solution cannot be found then watch out...the Opal Dragon has earned the title of both the bravest and fiercest when forced into battle and nothing can stop this dragon from destroying those who would cross it in this way.

The Opal Dragon is a contradiction. It loves the presence of others as long as the presence is sought by the Dragon, itself...if an Opal Dragon does not seek you out first, it is unlikely you will find one. All in all, this Dragon is honourable, protective, magickal, and wise...just don't make it angry or hurt those few this Dragon is close to.

This Dragons favorite elements are: Opals, Wisdom, and Justice

Normally I don't take these things to seriously, but this one is eerily too close for comfort.
Diamond Dragon

In the war between good and evil, a Diamond Dragon tends to walk the fine line of Neutrality.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon is a risk taker and answers to no one.
As far as magical tendancies, a Diamond Dragon's nature does not lend itself well to the ways of Magic.
During combat situations, a true Diamond Dragon prefers to defeat opponents by the use of spells and other tactics.

Dragon Description:
The Diamond Dragon is most at home in Cool, Sunny Regions. They are Multi-Facetted individuals who inspire others to better themselves and the world around them. Unless a Diamond Dragon is the CENTER of attention, they appear to be dulled and yearning for the lime-light.

Though a Diamond Dragon is quite rare to find, if you happen upon one, be sure to be a true friend. Diamond Dragons don't like to be lied to or back stabbed. Lest they turn on you the same way, tenfold. They are Loyal, fun loving, gentle, honest, caring, and extremely wise. They also tend to be introvert ed when hurt by someone close, and their friends or companions are like family. So beware not to anger them. While they look and for all intents and purposes are easy going, when it comes to family and friends, they will defend to the death if need be and you may just find yourself enemy number one.

This Dragons favorite elements are: Fire, Diamonds, Deep Caverns
Crystal Dragon

In the war between good and evil, Crystal Dragons take the side of the noble and good.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon tends to do things by the book.
As far as magical tendancies, Magical spells come as natural to the Crystal Dragon as breathe from it's body.
During combat situations, a true Crystal Dragon prefers to defeat opponents by the use of spells and other tactics.

Dragon Description:
Fun-loving and good natured, crystal dragons tend to be responsible rulers. They establish domains in the cold, open northern reaches, building castles out of snow and ice. They leave these castles open to the sky, for they love to watch the stars on clear, cold nights.

Hatchlings have glossy white scales that become more and more translucent with age. By the time they reach adulthood, these scales become luminescent in moonlight. In the full light of the day they glow with a dazzling, almost unbearable brilliance.

Like other benevolent dragons, the crystal dragons prefer to talk rather than fight. Even without special abilities, they can be charming and engaging to an extreme. Gems and metal ores are their foods of choice.A crystal dragon's breath weapon is a cone of glowing shards. The shards slice and cut those caught in the cone.

This Dragons favorite elements are: Quartz, Ice, and Good Natures
Ethereal Dragon

In the war between good and evil, a Ethereal Dragon tends to walk the fine line of Neutrality.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon tends to do things by the book.
As far as magical tendancies, a Ethereal Dragon's nature does not lend itself well to the ways of Magic.
During combat situations, whether by spells or by claw, your inner dragon will do whatever it takes to get the job done.

funnily enough sounds a bit like me...lol
Pah, you are all weak for I am a,

Phase Dragon

In the war between good and evil, a Phase Dragon tends to walk the fine line of Neutrality.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon is a risk taker and answers to no one.
As far as magical tendancies, Your inner dragon has the ability to conquer the world of magic, but it will not be easy.
During combat situations, the Phase Dragon shows a preference for the rending and slashing of Hand to Hand combat.
I am a A Stone Dragon!

Hey, I took the http://dragonhame.com online Inner Dragon quiz and found out I am a Stone Dragon on the inside.

In the war between good and evil, a Stone Dragon tends to walk the fine line of Neutrality....
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon walks a fine line between Law and Chaos....
As far as magical tendancies, a Stone Dragon's nature does not lend itself well to the ways of Magic....
During combat situations, a true Stone Dragon prefers to defeat opponents by the use of spells and other tactics....
The Stone Dragon varies in color, ranging from a dark grey to nearly white. As it's name implies, it's texture is stone like, and often it's coloring will actually resemble marble, granite or some other indigenous rock.'
The Stone Dragon builds it's home deep underground, using it's powerful claws to scoop earth and stone away. Did you hear me? Yes, it uses its claws to dig through stone, which also makes it a powerful fighter in close combat.'
Luckily for most would be enemies, the stone dragon lives far enough in seclusion that seldom does it have a need to use either it's claws, or it's devastating lava breathe weapon. Even though the Stone Dragon lives far under the earth, it is quite social and often makes friends and allies with the deep dwarves that share it's habitat.
This Dragons favorite elements are: Granite and Loyal Friendships
My dragon had no description ... I feel so cheated. But anyways I was Yellow Drake, nice link KC

Yellow Drake

In the war between good and evil, a Yellow Drake tends to walk the fine line of Neutrality.

When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon tends to do things by the book.

As far as magical tendancies, Your inner dragon has the ability to conquer the world of magic, but it will not be easy.

During combat situations, whether by spells or by claw, your inner dragon will do whatever it takes to get the job done.
and your inner dragon is a ....

Rift Dragon

In the war between good and evil, your inner Dragon self is rotten with the stench of EVIL.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon walks a fine line between Law and Chaos.
As far as magical tendancies, a Rift Dragon's nature does not lend itself well to the ways of Magic.
During combat situations, the Rift Dragon shows a preference for the rending and slashing of Hand to Hand combat.

Dragon Description:
Rift Dragons are evil dragons that came into the world during the 3rd great dragon war, when the fighting and magic powers involved became so fierce that a hole was formed in the space-time continuum.

From a Rift Dragons Head to the tip of its tail, the dragon is black, even more than that, the dragon absorbs all light that hits it. It is even believed by some that this is how the dragon feeds, by actually swallowing light it comes into contact with.

Rift Dragons are cruel and merciless. They are worse than the enemy of all that is good, as they seem to the enemy of all that is living. A Rift Dragon will attack any living creature unless it is a creature of great power, even those of evil alignment.The Rift Dragon's main breath weapon is an anti-matter storm that engulfs it's victims, and often causes that victim (or part thereof) to literally cease to exist.

This Dragons favorite elements are: Antimatter and Pure Evil
No, I don't do that to spiders. I chose to kill them.

I'm guessing I got that dragon because I didn't answer any of the riddles. I'm not really in a thinking mood right now. I chose, for everyone of them, "Don't bother me w/ riddles."
Rift Dragon

In the war between good and evil, your inner Dragon self is rotten with the stench of EVIL.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon walks a fine line between Law and Chaos.
As far as magical tendancies, a Rift Dragon's nature does not lend itself well to the ways of Magic.
During combat situations, the Rift Dragon shows a preference for the rending and slashing of Hand to Hand combat.

Dragon Description:
Rift Dragons are evil dragons that came into the world during the 3rd great dragon war, when the fighting and magic powers involved became so fierce that a hole was formed in the space-time continuum.

From a Rift Dragons Head to the tip of its tail, the dragon is black, even more than that, the dragon absorbs all light that hits it. It is even believed by some that this is how the dragon feeds, by actually swallowing light it comes into contact with.

Rift Dragons are cruel and merciless. They are worse than the enemy of all that is good, as they seem to the enemy of all that is living. A Rift Dragon will attack any living creature unless it is a creature of great power, even those of evil alignment.The Rift Dragon's main breath weapon is an anti-matter storm that engulfs it's victims, and often causes that victim (or part thereof) to literally cease to exist.

This Dragons favorite elements are: Antimatter and Pure Evil
I am a A Ethereal Dragon!

Hey, I took the http://dragonhame.com online Inner Dragon quiz and found out I am a Ethereal Dragon on the inside.

In the war between good and evil, a Ethereal Dragon tends to walk the fine line of Neutrality....
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon tends to do things by the book. ...
As far as magical tendancies, a Ethereal Dragon's nature does not lend itself well to the ways of Magic....
During combat situations, whether by spells or by claw, your inner dragon will do whatever it takes to get the job done....
