What to wear for hiking in summer?


Active member
May 11, 2008
Preparing to go hiking in philmont which mean 5-20mile hikes 1 weekend a month. Since it is summer what should I wear hiking? Should I still wear long pants? I got to wear 6-8inch boots.
Dress in layers, the first layer is to be a wicking material, the next an insulator and the top weather resistant. Summer is hot you will sweat alot and be exposed to the sun, a light color, none cotton, wicking, loose fitting, long sleeve shirt will actually help keep you cool and avoid sun burn and bug bites do the same with long pants a good breathable material none cotton, with removable legs so that they double as shorts and swim trunks to save weight. "6-8 inch boots" is vague, you need a boot that breathes well and gives you good arch and ankle support, not ride up your leg. Desert gi boots would meet the need but they are not the most comfortable. Read up on proper foot wear and what layering means. here are a couple of articles,