What to say to boyfriend... PDA problems?!?


Feb 17, 2008
Ok so don't get me wrong I LOVEEE my boyfriend but lately he's just been so touchy, and he likes to kiss in front of people. I am such a personal person and I dont like anyone knowing my business. My friends tease me when they see him kiss me and tease his kissing "skills." What can I say to him to tell him nicely that I dont like kissing in public!?
Omg I had the same problem with my ex. You really just have to tell him that you don't like pda and hopefully he'll lay off. If he was anything like my ex, he won't listen and in that case you have to get in his face and just say stop! It's your body and if he doesn't respect that you shouldn't be with him! Don't be scared to speak up for yourself! A simple "I really want to tone it down with the pda because *insert reason here*" should work! If he is at all a reasonable/respectful person he will lay off.