What to read over spring break? (Teen girl)?


New member
Jul 8, 2008

In a few weeks, I'm going on vacation and I was wondering what books to read. I'm a teen girl (not to girly :) and I like supernatural things and YA dystopian fiction (and romance). Here are my favorite books:

1- LORIEN LEGACIES!!!!! (I am number 4)
2-Maze Runner!
3-Anna Dressed in Blood
4-Secret Circle & Eve
5-Hunger Games (obviously) & Blood Red Road

I have read (recently, like over the last 4 months):
-Maximum Ride (tried reading it but I just couldn't get into it)
-All of the books above

Thanks :)

One more question: What are you doing for spring break???
The TRUE BLOOD novels and the Fifty Shades book.

Also, try "Reality isnt what it Used To Be."
I really enjoyed reading the Uglies over my spring break several years ago. It was a fun, light read.Very engaging.
I would personally recommend A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket; the first book is The Bad Beginning. I think this is a great series!
I would HIGHLY recommend "The Onion Girl" by Charles de Lint. It sounds like, from your other favorites, this book would be right up your alley. Another great one is "The Gargoyle" by Andrew Davidson.