What to do while stuck at home for the whole vacation time?


New member
Apr 22, 2013
See, I have just recovered from a heart disease (not even fully recovered), and the most extreme thing I can do is travel for three hours at most four times a month or walk 3 flights of stairs. I wanted to put at l least twenty things on my list, so can you please help me? (And yes, I am stuck at "home" for about a summer + 8 months, since I am not allowed to go to school yet.) So yeah, here is my temporary list. Please do give me activities that you think I AM ALLOWED to do. I set some idea of how much I can do above.

By the way, as every month goes on they'll probably get me to do more things, so you can consider any activity that requires things that are not running or sprinting or anything that can make my heart palpitate.

1. Get a dog.
2. Swim for (at most) 2 hours and 30 minutes.
3. Go for a 3 hour road trip every Sunday to see brother.
4. Draw/sketch at most once a week (It takes me two hours to draw a portrait sketch, so yes)
5. Watch a movie
6. Go see Iron Man 3 on 3rd May (I'm not even sure if I can go to the cinema, but I watch Marvel and DC movies A LOT so at least they get to lower the bar for me this time)
7. Customize my laptop.
8. ?
9. ?
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14. ?
15. ?
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20. ?