What to do when someone spreads rumors about you that are true?


May 16, 2008
If the rumors weren't true I wouldn't be bothered by them but they are and I'm so humiliated and my reputation will probably be damaged. I regret what I did and I have accepted it and moved on. I have been successful at it up until now. Basically, I slept with this guy and it was stupid and I was immature and he ended up telling his ex girlfriend and now she's telling people. I have been asked about him and if I ever talked to him and I said yes and I know that its her because she was the only person that know. I'm panicking and I don't know what to do. I'm so scared for my reputation and now people are going to think I'm a sl*t and I'm going to be known for being that kind of girl. My life is over, please help ?!!!!
Talk to the guys ex girlfriend and to save your reputation deny the accusation if someone asks you.A white lie wont hurt. ( ;
talk to him about it , at the end of the day it was one person so your not a slut his ex girlfrirnd fuked him to so wouldnt that make her a slut too? it will eventually fade away once another rumor about another girl comes out, then they will forget about you, till then relax and work on what u think of yourself instead of what people think of u, good luck hope I helped
Your life is going to be over because you slept with some guy? It's funny how a man can sleep with a lot of women and he is looked at as awesome and cool. But if a girl sleeps with a lot of men she is considered a whore. Who cares, people need to get laid. It will be fine. People are going to end up finding out anyway, regardless of what you do. So all you can do is own up to it and not let his ex get all the glory in telling people. Just own up to it and don't act ashamed. She is only telling people to get to you, so if you act like it doesn't bother you then she wont win!
If every time a girl got laid they were called a slut, there would be something wrong. You are aloud to sleep with who ever you want whenever you want. All I can say is live and let die.
Well if you were sleeping under age there's always going to be consequences, buti don't know your age so ignore this if you're over 16. This ex of his seems like a right dog to start spreading it! People won't think you're a slut if you slept with a guy, honestly! It's normal , they shouldn't be making such a fuss about it, chin up, ignore the bitche* ! :)
Your life is not over stop being such a drama queen. I know that this seems so important right now but in the future when you look back on this you wonder why you were so upset over this tiny little thing. Go on with your life as if this never happened ignore what other people say. Take it from me it always gets better over time what seems terrible now will just be a slight bump in the road of life.
you can deny them or joke about it and say yes they are true and laugh and make fun of yourself to get them to back off
first off it was ONE guy not 20 of them so you wont be labled a slut. it was a mistake a one time mistake. own up to it admit you did it and that it wont happen again. And wth does his EX care about what you guys did its none of her buisness and no body elses either.