What song would you choose to have as a ringtone right now?


New member
Feb 4, 2013
Personally I don't like ringtones that are actual songs, I prefer the little jingles, but I'm just wondering what yours would be. Also, what part of the song? :)
Cars by Gary Numan. Just the part that goes "Here in my car...", etc. Not the lead-up in the beginning. I'm also shamefully addicted to that one Tom Jones cover, Mama Told Me Not To Come. One of my favourite YouTubers made a video featuring that song, and I've loved it since then.
My ringtone is "The Boy with the thorn in his side" by The Smiths. It starts at the beginning and continues for about half a minute, I'm not sure at what point it rings off to answerphone.
Currently my ringtone for people who don't normally call me is Adorable from Artist vs. Poet. And its the chorus and it plays really loud so its kind of embarrassing when it goes "Shes adorable as hell she's got me begging on my knees!" And everyone starts looking at me. Lol
I am still trying to figure out how to make a song into a ringtone on my iphone!! D; I watch those little tutorials and I try it but it never works.

I want the Kill Bill whistle as my ringtone


Right now it's just a ring