What should I do with this chihuahua?


May 19, 2008
This dog is 13 my husbands mothers dog. She gave him to us since we live in an apartment and could give him the attention he needs. But my husband and his brother when they were younger teased and messed with the dog. So this dog is an ass to everyone... You walk in my house he's all over you you sit down he's all over you and by all over I mean barking at you in your face and trying to bite you. Also, you pet this dog like rub him he growls... He will bite you and draw blood if you try to just play with him. He's an evil dog hates it when you pet him thru the covers he bites you. When you bathe him he claws the hell out of you and when you dry him off careful not to have your hands near his head in the dry off stage. This dog will pull each of his pieces of food out one by one onto my carpet and claw at my carpet then roll and then eat... Every time!! And if your eating he stares with the big eyes at you he will sit in your lap and beg if you let him. He pisses in the house by Marking since hes not neuter and I put a pad for him and he pisses on my blankets or in my laundry room. He's HORRIBLE around kids he bit my friends 2 year old I understand he's never been around kids okay. But he bit the kid more then once yes I told him no the first time. He continued... Now this dog I presume is set in his ways I can't change it less I start scaring the shit outta him... I never wanted this dog in the first place we went home and give our other dog away he was too much for me... Now his mom makes me take this... And I'm pregnant living on the third floor of an apartment.

Thank you I needed to vent and also get others perspectives.