What should I do for my guinea pig?


New member
Mar 22, 2009
I have a 7 week old guinea pig. She had a cage mate at the store where I got her and she had a cage mate for a few days here but I had to give the cage mate away as they kept fighting. I don't just mean one or two nips, I am talking both up on hind legs going mad....

Anyway, I spend sooooo much time with her so that she doesn't feel lonely. She spends a lot of time in her bed but often she will become more active and eat more or run about when I bribe her out. I have also been handling her and talking to her and being as gentle as I can.

Anyway, she has started wimpering a lot -- the sort of complaining sound and now, if I take her out her cage she alarm calls reallllly loud. I try to reassure her and make her see she is OK but nothing works. Even WITH a hidy-hole she gets very upset.

WHAT SHOULD I DO? I have spent so much time with her and the cage mate hardly worked out????????

Thank you in advance.
Also: the alarm call sound is def not a wheeeeek for food!!
Are you sure that they were fighting? It's possible that they were playing. If you are definite that they were being aggressive, how old was the other one? It might have been larger and older, and started picking on the little one. Maybe go back to the pet store and see if you can get one around the same age. Take your guinea pig with you to see how they act around each other.
she is prob either sick or pregnant i would call the pet store and see if they have any suggestions from my exp most vets don't provide aid to any "exotic" animals