what sense of humor do i have?


May 23, 2008
i do things that people wont understand to make them think im wierd, then i laugh to myself about it later.

me and my mates have this in-joke. when we part ways we say 'bye.... bbbyyyeeee........

BBBYYYYYEEEEEEEEE!.... etc etc' and i keep shouting untill i cant hear them anymore.

thats quite antisocial in a suburban area at night, but thats why its funny.

anyway, does this kind of behavior imply that theres anything wrong with me?
whats the name for this sort of thing?
excellent answers so far, but ill give the points to one that actually answers the questions methinks
THANKS that really opened my eyes. but now i have another question:

not only am i depressed with ocd, but im also a little bit totally fvcking crazy. so now what?
everyone is different in there own way there are people like you all over the place.. well sort of.
I think theres at least one for every two schools in the world.
I don't think its weird at all
as long as your happy it doesn't really matter
to be honest i im filled with joy when i see someone that is happy for being alive
i remember sieng this man all alone but he had a blissful smile
I saw this girl that was also all alone but everything about her showed that she too was blissful
so as long as your happy it doesn't matter how other see you :)

also just because your "different" a psychologist would probably think your crazy, what ever you do dont change yourself just because another person tells you to
I have a sense of humor similar to yours; the social spectrum that we, as humans, are forced to follow is quite sick, IMO. My only advice though would be to make sure that you're not depressed/anxious too much, as people like ourselves (with weird senses of humor) are often so discontented with society that depression/anxiety is our bodies' natural answer. But if you feel that you're a healthy-minded human being who happens to have an odd sense of humor, I say go with it bro!
The kind of sense of humour that most young people have, I guess? Not entirely sure what you mean by this. It definitely isn't unusual behaviour.
a good one i do tht too interesting tht how i feel u kno what we should just 4 get what ppl think ..
bye byeeeeeeeeee byeeeeeeeeeeee
'its really fun to do me and my best friend do this every time we c eachother
'even sometimes on the phone lol
anyway it doesnt make u weird and if ppl make fun of u 4 it ignore or just shout it even louder too bother them and last but not least
'byee byeeeeeeeeeeeee byeeeeeeeeeeeeee lol