What sci-fi movie is this?


Mar 16, 2008
My mom was watching this on television years ago. I know hardly anything about it, sorry. ^^'
It was a sci-fi movie about men hiding in the woods. They were either rogue soldiers or aliens disguising themselves as human soldiers. In one shot, a real human soldier runs past a tree. The viewer sees a alien/rogue soldier appear against the tree: he was camouflaged. They can blend in with their surroundings.

Not much to go off of at all, but there ya go. X) Thanks for your time. :)
wow.. first thought is the movie Predator... it was human soldiers in a jungle of sorts and the alien was using some sort of camouflage built into his suit or skin or something.

The following links are only what I got from IMDB.com which is a great website search engine and in my opinion a MUST HAVE APP when watching any tv show or movie.

Ever watch a movie and say "I recognize that guy what else has he been in?" ..or watching an animated movie and say to your kids.. omg who does that voice!... well this is the website you must grow to LOVE! IMDB (internet movie data base). They also have an app which I use nearly every movie I watch.

After all this, I hope I got the movie right :D

(EDIT) I was the first to reply but took too long so I didn't see the other comments yet lol