What pants to wear on a hike?


New member
Oct 3, 2009
Tomorrow I am going on a very steep and long (15 miles!) hike, what should I wear besides hiking boots?

Thank you!
Tics.are there right so wear long pants not skinny jeans like wrangler. Long sleeve shirt long socks a hat glasses let someone now where you going get lots of water and take rest when needed .. Good luck
Well you should wear full metal armour and weigh your bag down with rocks. That will help. Not! Most hikes I would wear shorts, but you should make sure that there are no snakes. If there are snakes you would be better off wearing jeans. You should carry a mobile and keep it in a glad bag, wear a hat and shirt. I've been on lots of hikes. At the moment it is Summer but if you live in a cold place disregard everything I've said
If its on an open trail, shorts (depending in temperature) but if it's through brush wear jeans that aren't tight
It depends on weather and terrain in general, you should wear track pants, if it's sunny outside shorts have a few advantages like you won't get hot, also they will be less likely to get cought in some plant or something, but there are also dysadvantages like you may get sunburn, or get scratches and wounds from bushes and such. It's very practical to go for pants with pockets where you can keep your things handy. Otherwise you can wear a t-shirt and a light wind proof jacket wich you can staw away in your backpack if it get's hot. Bring lots of water, and remeber to not eat berries you dont know :) good luck and have fun!