What must we do to get the South to stop voting for Lincoln's party?


Jun 2, 2008
The party of Jefferson Davis, General Beauregard, General Lee still controls the legislatures of Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina and Alabama. But, we've lost Florida, South Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee (that was probably Obama's fault because that happened in 2008. Its why we dont have important elections in LA in presidential years), Georgia (which we might be able to take back, and which still is Democratic outside of metro Atlanta, which is ruining the state), and Texas

And these states have consistently been voting in presidential elections for candidates of Lincoln's party. What must we do to make people understand that their local Democrats are the same Dixiecrats they have always supported, and that the Republicans are still the party of Lincoln, intent on reconstructing the South to fit their own interests

What must we do to get people to come back to the party of their forefathers, and why does the Republican Party not own up to their heritage by associating themselves with Lincoln when they campaign in the South

And why do Republicans want to destroy the South?
Note: The first national flag of the Confederacy flew over the state capitol of Florida until Yankee Republican Jeb Bush took it down
To Pam: I was born and raised in New Orleans and have lived here my whole life, and I have watched as this party that once didn't exist has now become a cancer in our region. They are trying to change the Southern way of life by changing who controls the states politically. The Republicans have yet to put a true honest to God Southerner on their ticket. Since 1960, the Democrats have put 3 sons of the old Confederacy into office, and the Democrats actually put a former confederate citizen into the White House in 1912

and as for southern cooking: Jumabalaya, crawfish pie and file gumbo
To PH: Martin was a bad candidate, and that's a federal race anyway, I don't care right now about federal races, though we were able to re-elect Landrieu, even with Obama hurting our ticket

And ya'll are trying to destroy the South. You have given influence and power to a group that usually kept their mouths shut before the 80s, the Evangelicals, your Baptists, Pentecostals, non-denominationalists and "pure bible teaching" people.

I was among the people who helped to swing all those people in Acadiana for Dukakis by reminding them that Mike was a Catholic, and that Dan Quayle was anti-Catholic.

and that you brought up slavery shows you are a self-hating Southerner. Every real Southerner knows that the late unpleasantness was fought for northern greed. They envied the wealth of the South, they saw great cities like New Orleans and Charleston, and they wanted the South's wealth

All true Southerners are proud of their heritage and proud of Dixie
It is interesting how the south used to vote Democrat and now votes Republican. I think it is slowly changing though, especially outside of Atlanta, which is where I live.

More and more there are people from the Democratic northern states moving to the south. Corporations have been doing it for years just as individual citizens...mainly because of the higher taxes in the north along with a better job base (goes hand in hand with corporations moving here).

These Democrats move to the south away from politicians that taxed them more....then they keep voting Democrat, the same party that gave them incentive to move in the first place from higher taxes, poor jobs and rust.

They'll change it eventually then complain and moan about higher taxes, job losses because corporations will be forced out...AGAIN. Same reason corporations go overseas...lower taxes.

I agree with the issue about the confederate flag as well. It does not stand for slavery. The stars and bars were on many southern state flags long before the civil war and the war itself was not fought over that issue entirely. It'd be like saying the American Flag stands for all of the mistakes our country has made in the past. It doesn't so we'll keep it. Just politicians playing right into the "political correct" movement that has gotten way out of control. Pretty soon it won't be a manhole cover you see in the street, it's a "person hole cover"....you look up and you'll see the person in the moon, and they'll call a mans man a "persons person". (Thank you George Carlin).
At the time Lincoln ran for president, the republican party was much more liberal than the democratic party. most of the south didn't actually vote for Lincoln. That is kind of a weird question.
At the time Lincoln ran for president, the republican party was much more liberal than the democratic party. most of the south didn't actually vote for Lincoln. That is kind of a weird question.
Did you see where Saxby got re elected in Georgia? Still think you can take Georgia back? It was the Republicans that freed the slaves. We don't want to come back. We are proud that a Republican freed the slaves and we aren't coming back. Jeb Bush was raised in Midland Texas so he is no Yankee. We in no way are trying to harm the south.

We are proud of the connection and proud of President Lincoln. The south will never be destroyed, as we are clinging to our God.
north won ha ha south lost ha ha

I am getting tired of seeing those speak of the Obama/McCain thing but you take the cake!!

And actually republicans(present ones excluded) are for smaller government and more state rights which is the purpose behind secession to begin with so technically is seems the party of the south is beginning to make a comeback after all.
Why don't you come down here to GA and tell us.

"And why do Republicans want to destroy the South?"

That's a new one on me.

You are right about one thing: I have no time for the catholic church. Where do you think Hitler came from?
Until you actually spend some time in the south, especially living, working and being a member of its society--you have absolutely no basis for your claims other than the stereotypical b.s. that floats around. Usually in circles of self-proclaimed intellectuals whose method of proving that title includes nothing more than insulting others to make their point. The south is not as you think it is. They will continue to do well in spite of generalities like this.
First of all, this whole "left" vs "right"
"Democrats" VS "Republicans" game has got to go!

Its an anti-productive load of crap!

If this nation does have another election, PLEASE PEOPLE
do vote for the NOT a Democrat and NOT a Republican!

Show the forces of the NEW WORLD ORDER that WE THE PEOPLE can think for once!

Open your eyes people
the emperor is NAKED!