What kind of small sized travel van do i need?


May 15, 2008
I dont really know a lot about travel van models or makes, but i want to get one and live in it for a period of time, i just dont know which kind i should get that fits my needs and is pretty "cheap" to buy

Honestly it doesnt need to have running water or anything like that; i have a gym membership, so i do all my showering and such at the gym daily after working out anyway. All it is for me is a place to sleep, because im mostly on the move during the day anyway. If its affordable and DOES have a shower/bathroom in it, then great, no problem, but it wont be used often.

I plan on getting a rechargeable powerpack to run power to small appliances such as a lamp, a laptop, and a cell phone charger.

so what kind of travel van should I look into getting? Any specific models/makes come to mind?