What is wrong with my cat?


Active member
May 12, 2008
I have an 8-month old female domestic shorthair and since yesterday morning she has been acting weird. Her symptoms include:
-Extreme lethargy to the point where she struggles to walk and occasionally has difficulty opening her eyes
-Lack of urination or defecation
-Complete refusal to eat or drink
-Excessive sleep (all day and night)
-Vocalization when pressure is applied to her stomach
-Tossing and turning when she sleeps in order to get comfortable
-Isolating herself and sleeping in strange areas that she wouldn't normally sleep in

I took her to the vet today, but the results were too vague. The vet completed a routine exam as well as blood work. The blood work showed that her white blood cell count was low and the vet claimed this could be due to an infection or stress. The vet prescribed 62.5mg of Clavamox (antibiotic) with the assumption that my cat has a UTI and told me to come back in two days. My cat does not have a fever nor is she vomiting. She finally urinated in her litter box a couple times today and there was nothing strange about it. I don't think she has a UTI and I'm nervous she's being treated for the wrong diagnosis while the real problem gets worse.

This is my first cat and I adopted her when she was 9 weeks old. I'm looking for peace of mind so please help me.

FYI she does have a grade 3/6 heart murmur.