What is the name or author of this vampire book?


New member
Mar 31, 2013
Read this book some years ago.
Starts off with a vampire on the run (i think) and she ends up falling into a lake is stuck at the bottom so she hibernates.
Some years later the lake is dried up and she resurrects and crawls over to a black panther in the woods who she uses to kill a hiker so she can drain the blood and then goes to the nearby town.

One of the protagonist owns a newspaper, magazine, or a printing press business.

Later on the vampire is hypnotizing people and making her move and takes a group to this factory in the woods.

One scene a man is mauled by a bunch of dogs in one of the victim's front yards but survives.

Another scene two men are in the woods searching for either the factory or the victims and are mauled by a bunch of bobcats and killed.

At the end of the book, the vampire is discovered and she is hit with dynamite. She kills one of the hypnotized captives by ripping out her throat then pursues the escapees only to be hit with another dynamite blowing off her legs. Then hit again with dynamite causing a cave in.

Please, please, can someone identify this book?

I will eternally in your debt.

Oh yeah, the cover is black with the face of a black panther and a woman with fangs facing each other the panther at the top and the woman at the bottom.