What is the difference between Anti Christ and False Prophet?


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Do they do the same functions? How are they represented in modern times?
Anti Christ is a biblical term

False prophet is basically anyone who claims to be a prophet.
The Anti-Christ and False Prophet who Bible scholars believe will be a church leader who supports and provides religious "cover" for the outrageous governmental policies of the Anti-Christ have not yet come into power.Just give it a few years!
JW's are anti-christ and Mormorms are the false prophets! They wrote there own books and bible!
There are many antichrists, but the Antichrist will be the person who claims to be the true Messiah and who is accepted as the Messiah by all those who reject Jesus. He will be a mterialist messiah, unlike Jesus whose Kingdom was not of this world. The Antichrist will head a world government and will persecute all those who do not support him and those who remain loyal to Jesus as the true Messiah.
Description of Anti Christ:

A man with a huge body, red complexion and curly hair and blind in one eye. His eye looked like a protruding out grape.

Anti-Christ will be a person will come, near the End of this world, will claim that he is Christ.
But when Jesus(peace be upon him) when he comes again in this world he will kill anti-Christ.

False prophet: is some who is claiming to be prophet even though he is not
Anti-Christ is pretty straight forward.

You'll find a lot of Anti-Christ's on R&S. Many people make fun of the Prophet of Christianity.

False Prophet is anyone who had claimed to be from God but the public had sussed him/her out.
According to the Christian Bible:

A false prophet is someone that proclaim "God's Plan" that does not come true, thus it wasn't God's plan (e.g. Jesus promising to return before many of his disciples died). The Bible say these people should be ignored.

The Anti-Christ is person that God deliberately sends to humans so they many worship him, and thus violate God's 1st Commandment. God will place these people in the lake of fire (ref. 1 Thessalonians).
God tricks people so he can punish them.