what is the best inexpensive way to cure or reduce the odors of athletes


Apr 13, 2008
foot. i really have a bad odor to my? feet when my feet perspire or are wet within my shoes and i wanted to know what is the best thing to use for that. i have tried foot powder, some foot spray (cant remember what it's called because i used it all up). so what is the best thing u recommend to use. also, what is the best thing to use for razor bumps because i have a serious case of razor bumps under my chin everytime i used my remington electric shavor. at first i thought that shaving with a sophisticated electric shavor (as opposed to disposable razors from the pack) would reduce my razor bumps. but i've tried this stuff called kitty kit that is supposed to help reduce razor bumps but that didnt work either. so in total, what are some inexpensive products that u think will for sure reduce my foot odor, plus something for razor bumps. please help because i really want to cure these things, slowly but surely.