What is the best flavor of Pop Tarts?


New member
Oct 15, 2008
One of my kids wanted me to ask this, and it is a serious question, he said. Serious answers only. (no made-up flavors that don't exist.) If you have multiple favorites, please list them in descending order. (First one as favorite, next one as next-favorite, etc.)

Please feel free to comment on any flavors you feel are nasty or foul.

If you don't like Pop Tarts at all, please don't bother answering. This is a survey for people who like them.

You could also comment on anything relevant, like: Do you like them toasted or cold? Do you have trouble stopping eating them? Do you eat them in any weird way, like with ice cream on top?

Chocolate fudge, I think it is.

I absolutely love them hot and I love putting butter/margarine on top! They are sooo good like that! I don't do it very often anymore because today is not a good day to have a heart attack, but I did frequently when I was younger.
smores is deff the best!!!!!! theyre great cold or toasted and i like to take the crust off and eat that first then eat the middle part yummm
Brown sugar!!!! and put them in da toaster and melt butter on top!
Tastes great!
Puts 20 lbs on your A S S
I liked it best when there was a choice whether or not there was frosting on top. Our family liked the ones without all that extra sugar. We've about quit buying Pop Tarts for that very reason.

Those are the best kind by far. Although reading the other answers the cinnamon brown sugar ones sound good.. but i've never seen them in the store before.

The Smore poptarts are good cold or toasted. They were actually my only craving during pregnancy. I'd eat them for breakfast and lunch! I haven't had them in a while though.
Toasted brown sugar Cinnamon( i think thts what is called)
Its the best and only kind of pop-tart Ill eat
:D :) : ] =] =D =P
When I used to eat them, they would be for my morning breakfast before class. I would always eat them just as they were, I didnt toast them. The flavor that I liked was strawberry with the frosting on top. It was quite tasty. =}

Other than strawberry, there really was no other flavor that I found that I liked. I did try blueberry but there was a taste about it that just wasn't quite right.
I used to eat them, i do not anymore...

BUT when i did, I would go for Strawberry or the Brown Sugar, in the toaster & the second they come out put butter on top of it, I really only put butter on top of the strawberry, not so much the brown sugar.
Two of my favorites are strawberry and chocolate chip cookie dough, YUM! Now I want some:) I use to enjoy them straight out of the package but now I find I like them better heating up a bit with a nice large glass of ice cold milk! :)