What is my philosophical belief system and/or religion called?


Feb 17, 2008
Let me start by saying, I don't believe in a higher power. But I do agree that is JUST AS possible that there is a higher power, than if there isn't one at all. Hell, there could be several different deities for all I know. But I just DON'T KNOW. I believe in morality (such as compassion for others), and I believe in the importance and power of wisdom and knowledge, and of seeking out the truth as to the nature of ourselves and the universe. I do believe it is possible that there is a spiritual realm, and that our limited perceptions prevent us from becoming aware of it. I hope for a higher meaning and purpose, for my life and Life in general. I believe in taking care of and preserving life, from humans and animals, to plants and insects.

I have been calling myself an Agnostic, but my friend, who is studied in religions and philosophy, says that I am not purely and agnostic. So what am I? An Infallibilist? An objectivist? Spiritual? Transcendalist? I have no idea, and I could use the input of other people.
There's no need to be rude, by the way. I may be a "mish mash" of beliefs, but they make me who I am. I'd rather be that, than someone who subscribes to the beliefs of just one group. How can someone expand their minds that way?
I know that I have to decide what I believe in regards to God, sooner or later. And I have a strong feeling what that decision will be.....but I'm afraid of what it will mean to make that decision. Sigh. Anyway, thanks "Just Helping."
No-one is purely this religion or that philosophy, unless they blindly accept whatever dogma is being fed to them, and they are too weak or too lazy to seek knowledge, think for themselves, and come up with their own conclusions.

Good for you that you are seeking knowledge and keeping an open mind. but to answer your question, I would have to agree with above and say "agnostic". Nothing wrong with that (I strongly dislike labeling anyone). Just keep doing what you are doing, and forming your own opinions.

But at some stage, because we are fallible limited people compared to any God out there, you will find that you need to take a position based in faith, whether that is atheist, Christian, Hindu, or what-ever.
YOU ARE A SEEKER... and keep questionong everything especially "beliefs'.Follow your heart and you will find whats real and true.
Agnostic. A: without Gnosis: knowledge of God Agnostic: One without knowledge of God. Beyond that it depends on how you look at it. basically, flip a coin, heads god exists, tails he doesn't, and whatever you want it to be while it's in the air determines your leaning, if any.
agnostic just like me. i asked to have my beliefs identified not too long ago. I like the atheist community on here. I feel like I almost know them, in a sense. they're nice, and honest, and sometimes funny. get to know them. i'd like to get to know some of them and maybe even meet them one day. :D
You are part of the post-modern mish mash of religions and cultures swallowed up and shat out by the newage leviathan.

Edit: But you see I answered the question, and you understood by identifying as mish mash. This is not an attack on you, it simply as earths cultures become more and more connected we are seening infinite variations of once static belief systems with no name for any of them.