what is more rude, faking a chuckle at a joke thats not very funny, or...


New member
Feb 22, 2009
...keeping a Straight face? so someone tells you a joke that is either not funny, or you have heard it wayyy too many times.

would you:

a) Fake a chuckle (and it totally looks fake)


b) Not laugh at the joke, keeping a straight face
I laugh to please them if it's somebody who is insecure already, I don't want to add to their insecurities. If it's someone who's pretty confident and fairly sociable who probably wouldn't take rejection as seriously, then I just smile....
a straight face is ruder, cuz then hte person is just waiting there for a response. lol
well neither of those - i would probably just smile and kinda say, yea i've heard that before, i think that is probably less hurtful than the other two

but if i had to choose between those two - i wouldn't laugh an obviously fake laugh, so straight face for me
b) Not laugh...

Honesty is the best policy...

I usually just say "Oh yeah I heard that one..."

Or just a half-*ssed laugh...Like "Ha"
I say it depends on who your with.. if you know them, i wouldn't laugh.. and maybe even throw in a comment like "ha, so funny.. but no" lol.. like if it was a friend.. but if you don't.. i think a fake chuckle would be better.. cause the person would be able to tell that your trying not to be rude.. idk.. depends on the person.. :)
I wouldn't laugh and I'd just stare at them with an expression like ''dude, what the fxck, that wasn't funny you asshole''

Thats the more rude option, but I'd choose that
straigh facce

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Not laughing, rude and awkward. It makes the person telling the joke look like a jackass.
well...a straight face is rude...
a fake chuckle is just irritating...sooo
the straight face i guess.
