What is it with this completely wrong idea that Christmas is a Christian holiday?

Oct 10, 2008
Christmas aka Solstice was a pagan holiday that was hijacked by Christianity.

I have come across a Christian who asked why I celebrate Christmas as an atheist, then when I enlightened him to the pagan origins, he says "so are Atheists pagans now?" NO, Atheists have taken Christmas for our own holiday, a celebration of family and friends.

Are Christians Pagans now too?

25 December is the start of the Christmas celebration, which was a pagan festival in pre-Christian times, and is the day the sun begins to return to the northern hemisphere.
Jan, your wrong, simple as that, do some research
February 2 is "Candlemas" in many churches and is the day for observing the ritual purification of Mary forty days after the birth of Jesus as well as the presentation of Jesus in the Temple in Jerusalem (see Luke 2:21-40). - Also a myth
Demon of hand-writing analysis

We have given new meaning to it see above