What is going on with Fire fighting personnel?


New member
May 18, 2013
It was decided many years ago that approximately one emergency vehicle was needed for every two thousand head of people, all good but resource Development, skill improvement can save cost.
Why then are the government calling for change after all the promises they made about pay support at a level that was right for skills, maintaining levels of service that protected the population and vehicles protected at a level that was needed identified by front line personnel, not a person sat in an office who has no clue of the real needs of the service.
Now there is a review pending using the excuse that services are vastly reduced due to vehicles not being used or saving at ground level predicting that a service whole saving could be reached. this is again a reason being developed to save overall tax money surely not the way to go. it is dangerous to identify needs of a 999 service by an office dweller who clearly is out of touch with real needs and life.The service at all levels needs protecting and placing outside none experienced personnel who are at government level interference.the reduction is due to experiance and brave skill development.