What is an interesting essay topic that is relevant today?


New member
Jun 25, 2011
I have to write a cited essay, and I can't make up my mind on a relevant, interesting essay topic. Amongst my classmates, that have so far chose: smoking; teen suicide via Facebook; why it took so long to find Osama Bin Laden; Jets coming back to Winnipeg; etc.
I would go with the Japan earthquake.

Check out this site, it will give you more info on world issues that may help you find a relevant essay topic. http://www.globalissues.org/

Hope this helps :)
There are many. How about video game addiction and how it is extremely similar to drug addiction?
Controversial topics tend to be more interesting in my opinion.
Pros and cons of anonymity on the Internet? You could do something on America in general, the problems with bipartisanship, separation of state and church, etc. Find something interesting TO YOU. That'll make it easier for you to write the essay and therefore make it more interesting to the reader.