What is a good gift for a girl (in her mid 20's) who just had surgery yesterday?


New member
Sep 15, 2008
IMO, a good gift would be magazines--like women's mags...Vogue, etc...if she can't do too much, she'll appreciate having something to read while she recovers. The flowers are a nice idea, too...
A bouquet of flowers in her favorite color would be nice. You can also ask the florist about the language of flowers if you want to get fancy.

A teddy bear or other cuddly toy, puzzles, magazines or books to read are nice too.
It all depends on what she enjoys. Personally, when I was hospitalized, I didn't want flowers or plants. Books and crossword puzzles were things I really enjoyed receiving.
It all depends on what she enjoys. Personally, when I was hospitalized, I didn't want flowers or plants. Books and crossword puzzles were things I really enjoyed receiving.
STOP...call the hospital first.......they might not allow flowers for surgery patients...many hospitals are stopping that....

How about some balloons and some pastry or fruit basket...some books....magazines...
I'm thinking flowers...but what kind? She's more than a friend, but not my 'girlfriend'
A me-2-u (tatty teddy) bear. You can get loads of varities, as well as get well soon cards. :)
Thorntons chocolates
Fluffy rabbit slippers (make her laugh!)
Friends DVD boxset
Disney heffalump/tigger from Disney store :)
Funny mug (again, make her smile ) :)
Box of roses/maltesers/Big bag of Galexy Minstrels

Hope i could of helped :)
flowers, a hug and a kiss on the cheek ^^
(although i never got any of that ever -.-;;;))

i answered yours now please answer mine:
I think flowers are a good idea. If I was sick, I'd want someone to bring me irises but that's just me. Avoid roses.
Flowers are perfect. Lillies always do the trick. They are beautiful! Don't do the gerber daisys, those say "friend"

Anything tropical!
if your not sure on flowers, why go for something more unique or personal. something she can keep forever and look back on. maybe a collage of photo's of you and her, or you could buy her a dress or something she can feel and look great in.just a thought. hope this helps. :)
it depends on the relationship you guys have between each other and how long and serious you are about it.. if you are real close like bf and gf u should get her something like flowers and Chocolate and a tennis bracelet. and if you guys are just friends i would recommend flowers and Chocolate or a stuffed Animal.
Flowers wouldn't be a bad gift. Shampoo and conditioner and smelly good soap would be awsome. Its the little things that really matter
Flowers, cuddly teddy bear(depending on the girl), balloon, a gag gift that might make her laugh, etc...
balloons the shiny ones last long I still have my valentines balloons floatin round