What has Romney done in caparison with what Obama has done with Chrysler?


New member
May 30, 2008
I keep hearing about Romney's accomplishments & what has happened with Chrysler is amazing. What did Romney do to compare with this?
I guess that answers my question.
Badwolf they just had the Italian man on 60 minutes & you have no clue do you? Do you know how much he paid back or any of the numbers that have to do with Chrysler or Bain?
When Obama took office we were losing 700,000 jobs per month. We are now gaining 160,000 jobs per month in the private sector.

Game over. In the electoral college Obama is slaughtering Romney.


The ignorant bigots in the Bible belt lose again.
Hey bad wolf you left out the part about stealing it from the shareholders before he sold it to the Italians.