What handheld gaming system do you recommend 5 y/o?


New member
Oct 4, 2012
Hello, I have a 5 year old son who is not in school yet. I have to take him to work with me for about 3-5 hours a day. I was thinking of getting him a handheld gaming system to help pass some time. What do you reccommend. It would have to have simple, easy to learn and play games as I would have to be working not helping him play. Thanks
For those that say no to the game. I thank you for your concern however me son has tons of books and we go to the library all the time, he is a smart boy and the Leapfrog stuff is to easy for him and he get board very easy (I've inherted my nephews leapsters, pad, writing pads, computers and everthing else leapster) so this is something I am set on getting for him thanks...:)
I don't recommend getting him a gaming system at all. If you really want to, buy him a Leap-pad or an educational system. Introducing gaming to a child as young as yours will really affect him in the future; addiction and stuff. I personally recommend just books.
Are all these people serious?

First off is that five is too young to be using a handheld.

Secondly is that the 3DS is shown to cause vision damage in young children. Giving a young child a 3DS could result in the child having vision problems. It says this right on the 3DS box.
I know it's old now, but in all honesty I would say a Game Boy Advance. At five years old (unless he's spoiled) he's not going to have a concept on what the newest gaming devices are. At this point you could probably pick one up extremely cheap, but it's not like you're coping out; the GBA was a solid system that has a myriad of great games, and probably can still stand up to the handheld systems of today; I'm nineteen and I still pop in a GBA game once in a blue moon due to the nostalgia factor/some games were just that good. Keep in mind you don't have to buy him 100+ hour RPG's for it either, the game library is endless I would be in shock if you couldn't find either simple to play games like Tetris, or games that match his interests. Don't go with a 3DS or PSP, there's no point in spending $170-$200 on someone who at that age has a 50-50 chance of breaking the thing by accident.

Also, I disagree with the people that say don't get him a video game system. I know I'm probably in the minority, but my dad was a tech-nut when I was growing up so video games were an integral part of my life. They were actually the reason I learned to read. My dad had got me Pokemon and I would get pissed off that I couldn't understand anything that was going on, so I buckled down on reading just so I could play that game. Now years later I'm an English major hahaha!
Just get him a simple nintendo 3ds. For fun games for him get Scribblenauts, Mario Kart, Kirby games, and Colors3d
PSP a Sony system also a hand held vertion of a playstaion ps your a good dad
Get him a DS, but make sure it's a first edition DS. Those things are tanks, so they can take everything a 5 year old can dish out. A lot of games don't even have buttons he needs to remember, and there is a HUGE selection of child friendly games for it.