What evidence is there that God has a sense of humor?


May 13, 2008
As a kid I used to think that God was always serious,but I still wonder what evidence is there that God has a good sense of humor.I'm asking this because there have been times where something that I really liked but lost will show up out of no where at the perfect time(When I'm depressed).Or random who make me laugh will suddenly show up when God knows I'm down.Or I'll just be driving and suddenly there is a big sign for some kind of free fun event.I know these things sound typical,but I just wonder if God suddenly puts stuff in place just to make us laugh?
22 answers in 5 minutes wow!
I meant to say a random person will show up out of no where.
Ironic humor from God/ Bible

It was back in the days of Samuel.

An Israelite leader "goofed up" by using the "Ark of the Covenant" without first checking with God.

The enemy won the battle and captured the "Ark of the Covenant".

The ambassador went to the enemy camp and said, "God wants you to give back the Ark".

The enemy replied, "Tough luck buddy".

The ambassador returned home and cried to God, "They won't give it back".

God said to the Ambassador, "Ok, tell them, if they don't give it back ... I will put a curse on them worse than anything they have ever known".

The ambassador returned to the enemy camp and told them about God's warning.

The enemy said, "You're bluffing".

(1st Samuel: Chapter 5 verses 6, 7 & 9) - The next morning, everyone in the enemy camp woke-up with a bad case of hemorrhoids.)

It must have been a strange thing to see. Everyone in camp was walking around rubbing their butts, complaining to each other … and complaining to their idols.

Can you imagine the enemy leader's wife --- nagging at him?

"I told you not to mess with that Israelite God" ... "But, oh no, you wouldn't listen to me.”.... "You kept saying, ‘spoils of war’, ‘spoils of war’. Now, some of your ‘spoils of war’ are where the Sun doesn't shine."

(1st Samuel 6:8 et al) The Ark of the Covenant was put on an oxen cart and sent back to the Israelites.
I'm sorry, I can't resist. The clearest evidence that God has a sense of humor is your face!
The story of God's timeless sense of humor is told in Genesis chapter 21 of the birth of Isaac. "Isaac" is Hebrew for "laughter" or "laughing one". God kept promising Abraham a child in his extreme old age, and Abraham refused to believe it, God finally let Abraham have Isaac ("Laughter") around the age of 100.

God speaks to us through names, hence 'laughter' in Genesis chapter 21. the top 3 patriarchs in the bible and the second one is named after God's sense of humor

God made both Abraham and Sarah laugh their a$$es off from this old-age joke (Genesis 21:6)
ears and peckers.

Both are quite goofy looking.

Sex is both sloppy and violent, if done correctly.
The Duck Billed Platypus.


You too.

God created us in His image. We are sad, happy, humorous, etc. We are that way because He is. Humor included.
Yeah, he is. He let me know people think me i'm a liar all the time. Like right now.
I believe He does too... I notice the same things in my life as you do.... Laughter means a lot to God.... He wants us to have joy in our life.....

Child of God - X atheist