what does this mean? (hunting question)?


New member
Apr 27, 2008
In the last 70 years, hunters have contributed $4 billion to habitat conservation programs through taxes on firearms and ammuntion alone.
so is that good or bad ?
The taxes on firearms and ammunition have been used towards land conservation, either by buying the property or maintaining it. Hunters want as much natural land as possible for their sport. Teddy Roosevelt was an avid hunter and started the first national parks. Hunting is not just about killing animals it is also about maintaining habitat to ensure game will be healthy in the future.
You buy a hunting license, your money goes to the state to help preserve the land and the animals on it.

We want there to be animals for our children to hunt. Hunting is regulated through the used of tags to effectively control the animal population.
it means what it says the some of the taxes we pay on ammo and guns goes to that and the money we spend on liscences goes to the dnr.
In short, hunters have done more financially to support, preserve, and protect our wildlife, and their habitat, than all the enviromental groups combined. Not to mention that many hunters belong to a group, whether it's Duck's Unlimited, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, or any one of a million others. Wildlife is our heritage and passion and we will do everything in our power to make sure it's there to share with our children, and for them to share with theirs. If it weren't for hunters, our wildlife and wild areas would be in dire straights. Next time you see a hunter, thank him for all he's done to preserve the wildlife we all enjoy.
a portion of the tax set on ammo, weapons, and licenses automatically goes to preserve the habitat for a healthy population of many game and non-game species.

If you want to ensure the existence of anything, let us hunt it, we will provide the habitat.
eradication of screw worms restockin deer turkeys stripped an hybrid bass providin type 2 leases for public enforcing bui laws on lakes boat registration,, enforcing the game fish protection laws .liscense and recovery of drowned swimmers lot more just a few ,,, money goes to GOOD cause an in texas the reserve is continualy robbed by other programs i wouldnt put one cent in,,
If it weren't for hunters there would not be enough game animals in America for your heart to bleed over

Who did you really think p[aid for all that national park land the those animals are running around on?

How long do you think it would take for that prime real estate to be developed if it weren't for all that hunting money propping it up?
that's good, since were helping to fix the bad habits hunters had in the past like over hunting, bad ways and illegal practices.
were helping to save the sport and wildlife we hunt by paying our dues, whoever doesn't are poachers.
it means all the money hunters have donated and taxes we've paid for licenses, permits and equipment go to preserving and maintaining habitat.