What does the blood of Christ taste like?

let me tell you the composition, take 2 litre of you dad urine, and 5mg of you moms shit, and a powder of dry dog pile, and 3 teaspoon of pig pile, with horse urine after 4 days, dry it and mix it with flour, then grind it to juice your eyes will be opened.......................
Like extremely cheap wine -- the Church really skimps on that stuff. If I'm going to emulate a vampire, I'd at least like to drink something palatable.
i doubt it tastes like pig, since he was jewish and kosher, it probably tastes like a buttery nipple.lol.... come on dudes, learn to have a sense of humor.
he was a human when he died.. so most probably.. taste like any other human..
It tasted like honeyed wine to me, but don't take my word for it.
Go to a Catholic church and find out for yourself.