what does it mean when i have a dream about my boyfriend?


Jun 9, 2008
i have never dreamed about my boyfriend. i am only 13. in my dream he was at my house and we drove some were but it was really snowy and we got out. he told me he truly loves me and then he kissed me on the lips. we`ve never kissed before and hes the shy type but in my dream he said that in front of my dad. after that in the dream he was all lovey dovey and huged me and kissed and put his arm around me for the rest of the day. and at the end he got in to a fight with one of my exes that was being a jerk to me. he told me that he never wants to get into fights but in my dream he did. ever since then i cant get him out of my head and i am kind of freaking out. i dont know what this means but when my dreams have a meaning they come true. like a few days before my bed cought on fire i had a dream of jesus warning me about something and well i was happy. please please help me out i am soo confused.
Well I got a couple search results from a dream interpretation website

Boyfriend: To see your boyfriend in your dream symbolizes your feelings for him and the state of your relationship.
To dream that your boyfriend is dead reflects aspects of y our own personality that no longer exist. Perhaps you are being prohibited from communicating your needs and wants. This dream may also be suggesting that the ties with this person should be severed as the relationship is not progressing in a positive direction.


To see Jesus in your dream, portends accomplishment of your greatest goals and grandest desires. This dream reminds you to stay clear and focused on your goals, to remain steadfast and unmoved in the face of trials and tribulations.
To dream that Jesus speaks to you or that you are praying with Him, signifies that you will be highly-favored and bestowed with peace of mind and spirit.

Advice (or warning): To dream about getting advice from someone means that you should appreciate your intuition.

To dream that you are offering advice means that you have some useful knowledge that can help someone else.