What does breast soreness mid cycle mean?


New member
May 23, 2008
about a week ago which was on day 14 of my cycle, my breasts began to mildly hurt all over but mostly by my armpits. things that usually hurt around my period don't... they don't hurt to squeeze, lay on, or to hug someone, but they hurt to be poked at. it's like a bruise or a sore muscle. they also don't feel swollen or larger and aren't sensitive to the touch. they feel normal if they'r enot poked at. it seems like it fluctuates throughout the day.

i think it's too early but, could this mean i'm pregnant? I haven't ever had sex, but my boyfriend and me have fooled around. we're careful though he wears a condom and washes his hands and everything else after he ejaculates. i'm probably just being paranoid. there has been a lot of talk of pregnancy around me lately and i'm the kind of person who worries about everything. my period is now due anywhere from 10 to 15 days from now and i should be having PMS soon. i'm just so terrified that i won't experience my regular PMS symptoms or that it won't come