What do you want to be when u grow up?

Mechanic- I love working with engines- Right now I'm only 14 but I love taking apart engines and putting back together or swapping working parts to other engines to get them going, not much but I enjoy it.
Pyrotechnician- I am very good with fire/fireworks/small bombs. Also what guy doesn't want to blow things up for a living?
Chef- Iron Chef :blush: I love to cook, and please don't give me any shit about it. I am actually a decent cook. I mean I'm no Iron Chef but I bet I can cook good enough now to be a chef in a nice restaurant.
Im already guarenteed to be owner of my dads company, and here is what im looking to do.

3.computer engineer
bridges and buildings are where its at.

I dont know about the states but in canada your first 2 years are general study so you have time to decide.
either way its a good proffession to get into. ( civ,elec,mech,etc. )
Nah, we don't live in fear at all. The Hells Angles just recruit small drug dealing 'crews' into their ranks; they get a cut, and they give you protection. They also buy out a lot of the successful privately owned restaurants and clubs. They rarely cause much violent crime; any shooting deaths that rarely occur in BC usually involve one gang member killing another; and not even the Hells Angles (as far as we know).

Yeah man, I in South Surrey, like 5 minutes away from White Rock beach. They recently bought out a really ritsy Italian restaurant on West beach that's really popular, and bought out another really popular restaurant on 152nd. The only thing they don't touch are restaurant chains. The Hells Angels have so many connections, I'm not surprised the case got fucked up. Would've really put an end to a lot of their activities though.
everyone tells me i could, im smart in school, im around the highest in my high school, every says i could, and my mom bills people their anesthesia bills, so thats how i got interested.
My dad has been a nurse anesthetist for 25+ years. He makes bank.

I have come to accept that I will not, to the extent that he does.

I've completed nearly every core class, or general study class, while a junior/senior in high school. I'm considering actually going for bachelor's degrees in electrical and mechanical just because it would not take me way too much longer than a regular student my age entering as a freshman to complete either one.

My dad loves telling people who aren't sure about they're career path to enter nurse anesthesia. It's nowhere near the amount of schooling as a doctorate requires, yet he easily makes 200k+ every year now.
I'm not really sure, but as of now it looks like I'm going to major in Web Design and minor in Animation. :tup: