What do you think of this rap name?


Apr 1, 2008
Most rap names are supposed to mean sumthin..and gorwin up my family called me Packie as a nick name but i put a lil twist on it to make it sound more rap material. Pack-E like pack then a lil pause then say the E.let me know wat u think....n be honest
what does "packie" mean really besides a nickname....and when you put it like "Pack-E"...Pack has to specifically mean something and also people would be wonder what "E" is...so eh....think of something else....
it sounds kinda wack
but it might fit in if u mess around with the name a bit more
its lame. sorry, it sounds like your trying to hard. i could see you pulling off packie before pack e...because u ARE packie but pack e, that sounds like some shit you made up to sound hard...
ok im not kissin A$$ 2 get the best answer but i think its pretty good i wouldnt mind saying this in the future "oh my fav rapper is Pack E" sounds kinda catchy

Also if ur only changing your name so other ppl will like it dont the whole point of hip hop is to express your self so put W/E the heck you want no matter how it sounds