What do you think of NXT Rookie Diva Kaitlyn?


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I just wanna say one thing...she's the hottest Diva in history of the WWE. You can't help but stare at her body. Her face...and those LEGS...ok I need to stop!!!

Ok what do you think of her:

- Wrestling skills? (Do you think she's a decent wrestler? Or a bad one?)
- Mic skills?
- Ring attire?
- Looks?
- Her character?

WQ: Can she win NXT?
WQ2: Could she have a successful or decent career in WWE?
WQ3: Do you expect her to have a long onscreen relationship with Dolph Ziggler?
WQ4: For how long you think she'll be in the WWE before she gets released, quits the company or retires from wrestling?
She is definitely a hottie, she's beautiful for real! She's not the hottest diva in WWE history though. Layla is to me, the most beautiful diva in WWE history. I would also put Melina way up there too!
Honestly, I'm surprised people like her so much. Aside from her looks, I don't get it..

1. Wrestling Skills - HORRIBLE. HORRIBLE. HORRIBLE. She's absolutely pitiful in the ring. Maybe in the future, she'll get better. Everyone does with time. She's only been WRESTLING since June. And I'm not just talking about wrestling in the WWE only. She's only been wrestling since June PERIOD. That's absolutely no experience and it's surprising the WWE even hired her.

2. Mic Skills - Very rehearsed. It's clear she memorizes lines. She looks very confused the entire time she's up there. I call her 'Confused Kaitlyn' because that's how she always looks.

3. Ring Attire - I like it. It's not slutty whatsoever and she doesn't have a desire to show everything off like some of the other Divas. It makes her look a little more serious.

4. Looks - GORGEOUS girl. Absolutely gorgeous. And she has a great body too. It's not stick thin like a twig. She has muscles and is very in shape.

5. Character - She seems to be the only character WWE is focusing on in NXT. The rest of the girls aren't really getting a storyline or a personality, but Kaitlyn is getting a good one. It's always a good storyline when you're working with Vickie Guerrero. I do like her personality. She's not stuck up in the least bit and she seems to be that goofy joking girl she described herself as in NXT.

If she were hired, she definitely would not be "just another Diva." She would definitely stand out, in a good way. I do like her, but I'm not obsessed with her. She needs a LOT, and I mean A LOT more experience in the ring and on the mic before she should be out there wrestling. She's risking a lot of Diva's by wrestling with such little experience.

WQ: I think it will easily come down to her, Naomi, and AJ. Of course, Naomi is the best wrestler out of the three, but the WWE Universe will more likely vote according to personality. WWE seems to be very high on Kaitlyn, so I do think either she will win or she will come in second place to AJ and be sent to FCW for more training and THEN make a re-debut.

WQ2: Definitely. She has a great personality; she's a gorgeous girl; all she needs is the experience and the confidence.

WQ3: I expect it to last as long as NXT lasts, unless of course, she wins. Then I see it carrying on for a month or so.

WQ4: That's very hard to say. It depends on whether or not she even gets hired.
Yeah, she is great.I agree!

Wrestling Skills-Good
Mic Skills-Good
Ring Attire-Great

WQ3-No, until NXT is over
WQ4-10 years or more
Hottest of all time have you ever seen Sable, Trish Stratus, or Torrie Wilson. Bad wrestler improving but still bad Mic Skills stink Ring Attire is the same thing she's worn since week 2 Looks well I'd rather take Jamie but she's been eliminated Character is DUMB.

WQ2: Probably not
WQ3: Maybe don't care
WQ4: 6 months to a year.
She's okay needs a little more training with her wrestling skills. I like her ring attire. Her looks are pretty good, and her character is as someone who wants to entertain the crowd.

WQ1: probalby my guess is AJ?
WQ2: A decent career unless the WWE doesn't ruin it.
WQ3: I think that Dolph Ziggler is soooo out her league.
WQ4: I don't know but I'll say this there are some divas I want to see be released but its never a good thing to hear that someone is released from the WWE.
She is decent !

NOT AS HOTT as Velvet Sky in TNA though... for me :)

All time hottie - Sunny mid 90's , has to be up there !