What do you think of my Survivor Series Predictions?


Active member
May 12, 2008
Tag Titles: Air Boom(c) vs John Morrison and Justin Gabriel- Air Boom win clean. Morison turns heel after match by attacking Gabriel for losing

Divas Title: Beth Phoenix(c) vs Maryse-(returns as a face)- Phoenix wins clean

Team Orton-(Orton, Mason Ryan, Zack Ryder, Kane, Daniel Bryan) vs Team Rhodes-(Rhodes, Brodus Clay, Ziggler, Swagger, McIntryre)- Team Rhodes win. Survivors: Rhodes and Ziggler

WHC Title: Makr Henry(c) vs Big Show- NO DQ-. Falls Count Anywhere Henry wins after a Strongest Slam through the announce table.

WWE Title: Alberto Del Rio(c) vs CM Punk- Del Rio wins after knocking Punk out with his belt on a referee fall spot

Team HHH-(HHH, Cena, Rock, Sheamus and Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Team Lauranaitis-(Kevin Nash, Christian, Miz, Truth and Chris Jericho)- Comes down to the final 4. Miz and Truth vs Cena and Rocky. Cena and Rock dominate, Cena hits an AA on Truth and gets the pinfall, tags Rocky in who hits a Rock Bottom on a phased Miz, as he celebrates, Cena from behind hits an AA on Rock, and drags the out cold Miz over to the Rock and lays him on top of him. Miz gets the pinfall of Rock, Cena then locks in the STF to Miz who immediatly taps out. Cena is the sole survivor. Cena then proceeds to lock in a STF on Rock, Rock refuses to tap, so Cena hits Rocky with a steel chair and then AA's him through the announce table. Cena gets a mike and says to the crowd, "You Hate Me All You Want. I RISE ABOVE YOUR HATE". Turning Cena, not officially heel, but definately a tweener.